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Jeff Mao

Executive Director
Jeff brings over 25 years of experience in the education sector. He is an education technology leader who provides strategic consulting services to schools and ed tech companies, keynote speaking at regional, national and international events, and professional learning workshops with a focus on education technology, 1:1 learning, and education policy.
 Jeff is an internationally known education technology leader. Jeff has keynoted international events sponsored by UNESCO, World Bank, InterAmerica-Development Bank, Association of Independent Schools of NSW, and the Korean Education and Research Information Service. In the United States, he has keynoted state conferences including NYSCATE (New York) and VITA-Learn (Vermont), and presented at events hosted by organizations including ISTE, CoSN, SETDA, FETC, TASA, TCEA, VSTE, CETPA. He served on the Board of Directors of the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) for six years including two as Chair of the Board. Jeff is currently serving as the Executive Director of VITA-Learn.

Jeff served as the Learning Technology Policy Director for the Maine Department of Education (2004-2014). In that role, he provided leadership and education technology policy support to four Commissioners of Education. He was directly responsible for the Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI). He oversaw all aspects of the program including vision, implementation, policy, professional development, procurement and contract management.
His work includes collaborating and developing solutions with other governmental agencies including the U.S. Department of Education and the Federal Communications Commission as well as collaborations with numerous state departments of education. He has testified to the U.S. Senate in support of the reauthorization of the E-Rate program and worked with numerous congressional members in support of education policies to support students.

He was a lead author of the State of Utah’s Master Plan: Essential Elements for Technology Powered Learning  Additionally, he was an advisor for Future Ready Schools and has moderated and presented numerous Future Ready’s Summits and Institutes. Jeff was a Senior Director for Common Sense Media’s education division (2014-2017). He was also a Senior Strategic Education Outreach Manager for Wonder Workshop (2017-2019).
He has been recognized by EdScoop (EdTech Hero, 2017), SETDA (Leader of the Year, 2013), and Common Sense Media (
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