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Sean O'Donnell

Rusted Rooster Farm
Sean was born in CO and moved to Maine when he was 9 months old. His family moved around a couple of times and finally settled in Parkman, Maine. He was inspired by Grandpa O’Donnell who showed up every spring to help the family plant a garden. Grandpa O’Donnell was a retired potato farmer from Houlton, Maine. Sean decided he was going to be a farmer at a very young age. It started with his parents not having time for the garden while trying to support a family. At the age of 8, he decided to have his own garden, and Grandpa helped him get started the first couple of springs. Through lots of learning and failures it started to really take shape. Around the age of 14 he started wholesaling root crops. Soon he was selling over 5,000 lbs of carrots a year. By age 25 he had slowly transitioned the farm away from root crops and into the production of non-perishable food as well as grass fed beef and hay.
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