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We envision a world where local grain economies that are
good for people and good for the planet can thrive.
avatar for Richard Roberts

Richard Roberts

MGA Director of Rare and Heritage Seed Restoration
Heritage Seed Restoration Project Coordinator
A gardener, mechanic/ fabricator, tinkerer, and high school teacher, Richard became intrigued with the idea of a gristmill in Skowhegan and volunteered there and became a part time employee. He attended the Kneading Conference and worked as one of the original farmers in the MGA’s Heritage Seed Restoration Project and now leads that program. He continues to research and grow out varieties of cereal grains that are adapted to Maine’s climate. He works to create a network of gardeners, growers and seed savers in a larger grain community, throughout the world.

My Speakers Sessions

Friday, July 26

6:00am EDT

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